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About Arya Abdollahi
Contact Information: (732) 791-3215 | |

This website is a teaching blog revolving around Supply Chain Management - these pictures sum up everything!

I understand many of you will have questions. Please fill this form out to contact me and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Class Overview:

Introduction to Supply Chain Management Science is precisely that - an introductory class. The course will cover numerous topics, including (but not limited to) logistics and reverse logistics, the SCOR Model, warehousing, demand planning, and supplier management. I am the primary instructor, Mr. Abdollahi, and we will be covering roughly a chapter a week in order to cover our entire textbook.

While you do not need to purchase the textbook, it is required in order to help you complete some of the more complex homework assignments. Neither the authors nor I benefit from you buying the textbook, since any and all proceeds go directly to Rutgers Business School to help fund classrooms and provide funds for more scholarships.

On Tuesday, September 5th, we will be having our first day of classes. I will provide you with the syllabus and go further into the course itself and what to expect. Here are some general things to note:

There is some math required for the class for a few units, but it is not complex or impossible to complete (if I can do it, so can you!). Any type of calculator is fine.

I am okay with you taking notes via laptop or in a notebook, but please make sure either note-taking method is distracting to your peers. They are here to learn too!

If you are ever late, please enter the classroom and sit quietly.

I will not always call randomly on someone, but as we will be covering the syllabus in class, there is a class participation grade.

My exams are never on topics we cover outside of the outlined material I give you. There may be some extra credit questions based on in class discussions, but the tests will never be too difficult. With that being said, however, that does not mean my exams are necessarily easy. I recommend studying at least one and a half to two weeks before the exam date, as the tests are not simple vocabulary or true/false.

I do not negotiate final grades. The grade you receive is the grade you earn, and as long as you are willing to learn, you will perform well.

I am very excited to have you all in class!